September 19, 2022

Health is Precious!!

Good Health is more than anything else what you need. Practice of keeping Good Health is an achievement for the Body. Compromising with your Health can be disastrous. Taking good care of your Body can prevent you from various Health problems. It is true that some illnesses cannot be avoided. Still, there is much more we can do to slow down or even prevent the onset of illness.

Consider few things that can get you on the road to better Health:

1. Practice Good Hygiene.

2. Use a Safe Water Supply for Drinking.

3. Watch what you Consume for your Body.

4. Meditate & Exercise.

5. Have enough Rest or Sleep everyday.

6. Stay away from unhealthy habits.

7. Be Physically Fit.

8. Be Joyful & Enjoy your Time.

9. Keep track of your Body by regular checkups.

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